Youngsville Police Department

In Case of Emergency

Dial 911

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – Dial 988

For Non-Emergencies, Dial 814-563-3500

Desk Phone Line: 814-563-7555

Ext.1 for Chief Mineweaser

Ext. 2 Patrol Room

*** Youngsville Volunteer Fire Dept. Scam Alert ***
A new scam is going around our local area.
The Caller states he/she is with the Youngsville Volunteer Fire Department and is requesting donations.
The caller asks for Credit or Debit Card information or bank account information. THIS IS A SCAM and not our local fire dept.  
This number will appear on your caller I.D. (814-563-0049) which is not our local fire department’s phone number.
Youngsville Police Department recommends to follow up with your local or state police if it sounds like a scam.

Most agencies or departments do NOT fund raise over the phone anymore.
If you were scammed you will need to make a police report and they will guide you on what to do next.
*** Social Security Scam Alert ***
If you are the victim of Social Security Fraud
Please report any scam or fraud to the following website:

If you receive a suspicious call:
1) Hang up.
2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards.
3) Report any suspicious calls.
The Youngsville Borough Police Department seeks to only employ the
finest, bravest, and most competent men and women who possess
outstanding character, integrity, values and morals. Our expectations are to
preserve public safety and quality of life while officers continuously aim to
protect those who cannot protect themselves, and at the same time
overseeing borough residents and visitors to our community.
We require professionalism at all times while upholding our Oath to the
United States and Pennsylvania Constitution, Pennsylvania Statutes and
Borough ordinances. Additionally, we aspire to educate and be role models
for our area youth. While responding effectively to the ever changing needs
of our community we serve and promote mutual respect between our
agency and the people we serve. We are committed to building public trust
and solving problems before our citizens know they exist.
Badge #401
Chief Todd Mineweaser
Badge #402
Sergeant Benjamin Leach
Badge #403
Patrolman Richard Alekson
Badge #404
Patrolman Jonathan Uplinger
Badge #405
Patrolman Mitch Labesky
Badge #406
Patrolman Zack Shelly

District Judge

Todd Woodin’s Office

District Attorney

Robert Greene’s Office
Warren County Crime stoppers
Rewards up to $2,000.00

For the latest information, contact the Office of the Attorney General at (717) 787-3391 or
Dog & Cat Complaints:
File a complaint here:
Dog Warden:
Amy Tyger (Region 1)

Drug Take Back – Drop Off

There is a drug drop off box located in the lobby of the Youngsville Borough Building.
No Questions Asked!

Chief Todd Mineweaser
Shop with a Cop